A Tale of Two Spins: Chris Dodd and AIG Bonuses
Two spins on this article from CNN, two very different impressions.
First, from Politico: Dodd wrote the language that enabled AIG bonuses--and did we mention he's in a tight reelection campaign?
Next, TPM: Dodd loosened language that Dodd previously wrote because the Obama Administration asked Dodd to.
Whoooo. Either way you look at it, Senator Dodd isn't having any fun right now. From the right, Dodd is cast as the bad guy who let this grievous abuse of taxpayer dollars proceed. From the left, Dodd is cast as the patsy who let this grievous abuse of taxpayer dollars proceed. (And dammit, I've got some questions for the Obama Administration--I'm talkin' to you, Mr. Geithner--if this is all true.)
Read the original source, though, and it's obvious that Josh Kraushaar at Politico really goes out of his way to milk this one and leave out some pretty important story details in order to kick Chris Dodd in the nuts. Nice.