Code Pink, Chemical Weapons, Dick Wadhams, and Colorado Springs: Colorado Items of Interest
Last week during the DNC, Denver journalist George Kochaniec, Jr., captured footage of a police officer forcefully shoving a protester to the ground. Today, the officer says the protester grabbed his baton. The protester disputes that claim.
18 issues: That's how many items Denver voters may find on their ballots on November 4--and that doesn't count the political races.
Worried about WMDs right here on the Front Range? The state sues the federal government for the timely destruction of mustard gas and other decaying chemical agents currently housed in a depot outside of Pueblo.
Colorado Republican leader Dick Wadhams told NPR yesterday that he doesn't think Colorado will be distracted by the liberal media's focus on Sarah Palin's family issues. He also told Robert Siegel that Palin has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket. We'll just have to see if Wadhams' enthusiasm pans out. On August 25, the Rocky cited Quinnipiac on the "dead heat" between presidential candidates in Colorado. That was before the Dem convention and before the Palin announcement. We'll keep an eye out for the next Quinnipiac result in Colorado and see how Wadhams fares.
First up for McCain/Palin after the RNC wraps up in St. Paul? A visit to Colorado Springs, of course, where the dynamic duo will embrace Dobson's Focus on the Family and find welcoming crowds in the bosom of evangelical America.
A recent poll on the Schaffer/Udall race shows Schaffer drawing even. Dick Wadhams likes the sound of that. Key words in his support for pollster David Hill? "He's a very reputable pollster who'll not tell a client what the client wants to hear; he tells the client what is real and what truly exists." That's right, Hill has been hired by the Schaffer campaign. There's nothing unusual about that, but we'll want to wait and see what the unaffiliated pollsters have to say about the close senate race here in Colorado before taking too much stock.