Oaxaca's Ungovernable Nature
I did not know this:
The teachers union Section 22, mover of the Movement, was split by the governor so that a new small sector called Section 59 supported him and the PRI. Now two union sectors oppose URO’s [Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz] failing government. Section 59 is banging down the doors of the education building to protest the governor’s failure to fulfill his promises to these teachers. What a surprise.
I had seen Section 59 propaganda when I was in Oaxaca and failed to understand what it was. In addition to this insight, Nancy Davies posts a scathing laundry list of current problems in Oaxaca that make the state ungovernable, and prophesies "The year of the uprising has not yet come to an end." I am, unfortunately, afraid she's right. Read the whole article here.