The chances that I misread or misinterpret what I read en espanol are still pretty high, but yesterday I made a bigger goof than usual. I printed the news, as I thought I read it in Noticias, a small paper out of Oaxaca, that members of APPO and Section 22 had erected a small planton, or encampment, in the zocalo, from which to demonstrate against the government. Such is not the case.
The Spanish word levantar means to lift or raise up. When I read the sentence "El Magesterio y APPO levantaron su planton" I thought it indicated the construction of a planton. Had I read more carefully, with attention to context, I would have understood that "levantaron", in this case, indicates cleaning up or taking away.
Apologies for the confusion this may have caused. It is interesting to note that APPO and Section 22 have removed their small encampment in the zocalo with a clear promise to return. "Nos vamos pero regresamos", one protester is quoted as saying. So we'll see where all this goes.