Unpimp Your Bride
We're planning our wedding for a figure well below the $28,000 average sticker price of the modern American wedding. So when I see an item about budget wedding gowns in The Wall Street Journal Online, let's just say it's on my radar.
What's the takeaway? I suppose it's that there's a growing trend on the part of sensible Americans not to begin their happily-ever-after in deep deep debt. I mean, if high-end designers are offering bridal fashions at Target, it must mean there's a demand in the American economy that's ready to snap those items up. While we joked about buying her dress at the thrift store, Jenna and I (and her folks!) have been quite pleased to find a number of wedding essentials for below average price.
Does this mean we'll skimp on quality? Hell no. It just means we'll be able to put our money where the real wedding fun happens: the band and the bar.