Steve Benen: Blog Machine
I really like Talking Points Memo and think that Josh Marshall, Paul Kiel, Greg Sargent and the rest of the gang do a hell of a job rounding up information that matters about government and politics and providing analysis on the issues of the day. That said, I really look forward to the weekends, when Steve Benen sits in as a guest blogger at TPM and cranks out post after post cutting through the smoke and mirrors of Washington and the world at large and suggesting what--or who--is really behind so many of the headlines.
So this week I'm thrilled to see Steve sitting in for Kevin Drum at Washington Monthly. (I think Kevin Drum is pretty great, too, by the way.) Since yesterday he has posted on just about everything that's happened in the world since Kevin went on vacation, and he adds a new post almost as soon as I'm done reading the latest.
Talking Points Memo and Washington Monthly are two blogs I check in with every day. I'm pretty sure Steve's blog, The Carpetbagger Report, is about to become another one.